The Four Lettered Word

Someone once told me(roughly), “You don’t fall in love once, you fall in love multiple times and everytime it is different”.

Would I let such a beautiful line go? No. I have incomprehensible amount of work left, but here I am typing a post because YES, WEIRDNESS LEVEL 99.

I found something that relates with the line.. and I feel like posting it here. Strangely, it is NOT poetry.


“L.O.V.E.- It is perhaps the strangest and the most complex of all four words.. You know WHY? Because it is the simplest complexity and the most complex simplicity together. There are a million LOVE stories that we never hear and some of them are so incredibly beautiful that it will put the TITANIC tale to shame, but these stories are NOT famous.. not like ROMEO and JULIET.. they die a death with the people who LOVED.. because some tales never get the medium… however, this isn’t T.R.A.G.E.D.Y.

Tragedy is the tales that never happen, but if they would, it would shine like the pieces of mirrors on the mountain top when lit by the glittering ray of the morning sun. Too many people are scared of this FOUR lettered word that is so beautiful and scary at the same time.

When you confess your love to someone, you GIVE away a part of you which will never be yours again. The part isn’t yours fully, but it is latched to your heart by a bond that is strong. Once the words are out, the bond is jittery.. It shakes, it beats, it shivers.. If love is reciprocated, the standalone part becomes whole.. But, if it isn’t and there are whys and ifs and buts and shits, the standalone part rots and kills… it doesn’t die.. it attacks and all your heart.. every single part of this beautiful piece DIES a little every day. If it could die in an instant, perhaps, it would not hurt so bad..but it doesn’t end so easily. You wake up in sobs, you sleep in tears and every day the heart shrinks a little until one day you have a NEW one and the journey begins all over again.

I don’t say the words out loud EVER… because I am SCARED… Once they are out, they will never be taken back. I will change.. once and for all and falling for the “wrong” person who seems so “right”.. it’s both a dream and a nightmare.. It’s hard to define what L.O.V.E. is because it’s a little bit of everything.

No, I am not in LOVE, but I love the feeling of love. It makes you feel the snowflakes in deep summery nights. I have not seen what tomorrow will bring and I will never say the words aloud unless I am supposed to. It is wrong, it is unfair but COWARDS LIVE and some of us are one.

We are all different in the way we are. Sometimes, we do not know what we feel. Sometimes, it is best just to feel and LIVE… We may not know what L.O.V.E. is, but the memories you make, the secrets you share, the words you tell, the songs you sing, the smiles you smile and the tears you cry- THEY ARE ALL A TALE- A TALE that we will FOREVER cherish.

Some stories don’t complete.. they are not meant to, but ten years down the line, I know..Even if there is no contact and we are strangers, we will cross each other’s mind and one day I will smile because when you share some of the deepest scars, you never forget the tale.

Some people marry and stay forever together and live a dream every day. Some people remain friends and they never have the striking chemistry that messes the simple complexities or the complex simplicities and then there are people who stay close, friends, perhaps less, perhaps more… some remain like that.. some bridge apart… But, in their memories.. after a long lonnnggg time.. They will cross each other’s mind and leave the whispers of a smile.

Even if someone never says the THREE words out loud, read in between the lines. LOVE isn’t just saying THREE BIG WORDS.. Some bonds are special because..

WELL, because you don’t have words to answer why”


And after all,

Some why’s have no replies

~~ LOVE is STRANGE and so are WE~~

I Think I Love you

You don’t say much

And yet I hear it all

You don’t laugh much

and yet I feel your smiles

You don’t express much

And yet I can see it in your eyes

Yes, I Think I Love You

There’s something in the way you are

There’s a beauty in the broken heart

Even when you are far apart

You still are missed by my heart

Yes, I Think I Love You

Though, I do not know who you are

Though, I do not know your past

Though, I do not know what you feel

I still think it’s you who can heal

Yes, I Think I Love You

I do not know what tomorrow will bring

I do not know if you will belong to me

I do not know if I will ever tell

Yet, if you be reading this, 

Hear me speak for endless times

Yes, I Think I Love You

You will know it’s for you

Give me the smile you seldom wear

Brush your hair like you do not care

And I will dream that you will say

“Aw, this is sweet and okay I say

Yes, I Think I Love You TOO”

Yes, I Think I Love You

Trust Me… I Love You

Written by Hasty Words and myself. She is so pretty that I dedicated the first set of lines to her and it flew from there..

When I gaze at the depth

Lying in your beautiful eyes

I am overwhelmed by the power

That your beauty has on my mind



Your soul dances forward

And gently takes my hand

Leading me into the sunshine

You find me a warm place to stand


I keep beholding your perfect stance

As my heart jumps in its place

I connect with you on various levels

I wish we could always together travel

 together travel

I hold on to you for dear life

Afraid of losing my own

I trust you to carry me

In the comfort of your arms


Your trust I shall forever keep

I promise not to let you down

Even when your world is enveloped in darkness

I will be the star in your every night



Close your tired eyes, rest your weary body

I will keep close watch over your entirety

Trust me to love you until the end of days

Because we mimic light and darks loving ways