Smile Again


I smile today…
I smiled yesterday…
I smile in pains.
I smile again….

Life is lovely if u have the eyes for it…
If u choose to whine…you would end up sad…
If you choose to cry…you would end up broken…

See the good and love the life…
There is no better way to enjoy the strife…

I am not perfect…
I am not even close…
And still I smile…
Because I am happy with the way things are…

Regrets and pain takes us nowhere…
The journey to happiness starts from a smile…
A smile can conquer the deepest troubles…
A smile can win the toughest hearts…

Smile when you can…
Smile when you should…
It will do you a world of good..!


56 comments on “Smile Again

  1. Geo Sans says:

    thanks for sharing your words and your smile … beautiful


  2. BeWithUs says:

    Yes, smiling is a priceless medicine that no doctors can prescribe to you except yourself…even when you are down with negativity, just cry yourself out for 1 or 2 nights, then look into the mirror and start laughing at those two red and puffy eyes of yours.

    Soon, you will find yourself smiling again.

    Have a great Sunday ahead!! Cheers~ πŸ˜€


  3. BeWithUs says:

    Awww…Shruti, thank you for being so sweet…hehe…
    Here are 3 big smiles for you~ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


  4. […] Smile Again ( […]


  5. μ΅œλ‹€ν•΄ gongjumonica says:

    Oh, lovely! I love this.

    I smile even though my heart breaks.

    Let’s share smiles to each other.


  6. malctg says:

    Hi Passionwriting. Thank you for calling by and liking my poem ‘No Choice’. And also for following my Blog. Take Care. The Foureyed Poet.


  7. gpicone says:

    You have a beautiful smile! Keep smiling πŸ™‚


  8. Rahburt says:

    i think i have a good problem. i have a hard time not smiling and/or trying to make others smile. thanks for reminding me to smile again πŸ™‚


  9. Rohan 7 Things says:

    This is simply brilliant, I love it! Definitely needed this today πŸ™‚ A smile always makes things better!

    Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

    All the best!



  10. jalal michael sabbagh. says:

    Awesome poem l liked ( life is lovely if you have the eye…) thank you for liking my quote ( He who…) wishing you the best.jalal


  11. drybredquips says:

    Thanks for liking “dwelling material” and for following my blog. Thanks for the optimism of smiles. Best to you and your blog.


  12. stan says:

    Hey there! Thanks for stopping by and liking ‘Crystal Beauty’ and ‘It May be’ – and for the follow! You have some beautiful work here yourself – I look forward to seeing more!


  13. jwarnimo says:

    You said it perfectly. I especially like this line, Regrets and pain takes us nowhere…
    The journey to happiness starts from a smile…

    Keep smiling!


  14. Ryan Brooks says:

    Lovely poem, Shruti, thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚


  15. Author_4_U says:

    You are the best:)


  16. marisoto says:

    Been reading all your posts and you are just simply brilliant. Thanks for following me and happy Sunday!


  17. Love this !!! Just smile !! πŸ™‚ *Cynthia


  18. Throughout a rainy day in Vancouver, your smile will go a long way.

    A Smiling toad!


  19. toad (chris jensen) says:

    Reblogged this on tot123itsme.


  20. John Drybred says:

    Thanks for liking “life-satisfaction.” Hope you like other quips, and best to you and your blog.


  21. drybredquips says:

    Glad you liked “postal rates.” Thank you. Hope you like other quips. Best to you and your blog.


  22. Kev says:

    Beautiful…makes one smile…great pic.


  23. aayeshahakim says:

    Indeed, a smile costs nothing, but means a lot πŸ™‚


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